报告人:Fabrice Deluzet高级研究工程师
报告题目:An introduction of mathematical models for plasma physics and asymptotic preserving methods
In the first par of this walk, a review of different models used to represent the evolution of plasmas is presented with an emphasis of the multi scale nature of plasma physics.The man assumptions used to derive reduced models will be presented.
The second part of this talk will be devoted to the introduction of numerical methods classically implemented in the frame of plasma physics. A particular focus will be placed on asymptotic preserving methods developed to efficiently address singular limits as those occurring in the derivation of the reduced models.
Here is the scope of the 4 lectures.
1. Plasma physics and its applications. Mathematical model used to describe plasma, including dynamic model and two fluid model.
2. Multiscale problems in plasma physics and their limit models.
3. Fundamental numerical methods in plasma physics.
4. Introduction of asymptotic algorithm in plasma physical numerical simulation.
报告时间:2022.11.07 下午19:00-21:00
2022.11.14 下午19:00-21:00
2022.11.21 下午19:00-21:00
2022.11.28 下午19:00-21:00
报告人简介:Fabrice Deluzet,法国国家科学研究中心的高级研究工程师,从事等离子体物理的数值模拟研究二十余年,在相关领域发表学术论文50余篇,包括Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences、SIAM Journal on Computational Physics、Journal of Computational Physics、Multiscale Modeling and Simulation: A SIAM Interdisciplinary Journal等顶级期刊。