报告题目: Acoustic Boundary Conditions Due to High-contrast Material Inclusions
In this talk, I will investigates the asymptotic behaviors of time-harmonic acoustic waves generated by an incident wave illuminating inhomogeneous medium inclusions with high-contrast material parameters. We derive sharp asymptotic estimates and obtain several effective acoustic obstacle scattering models when the material parameters take extreme values. The results clarify the connection between inhomogeneous medium scattering and obstacle scattering for acoustic waves, providing a clear criterion for identifying the boundary conditions of acoustic obstacles in practice. These new derived models also offer a fresh perspective on considering inhomogeneous medium inclusions with high-contrast material parameters.
报告时间:2025年3月20日 14:00
报告人简介:胡跃光,香港城市大学博士。2018年毕业于北京科技大学数理学院获学士学位,2021年毕业于北京理工大学数学与统计学院获硕士学位。研究方向为反问题,电磁波波散射理论和椭圆方程梯度估计方程等,相关成果发表在NM-TMA, CAC, SIAP等期刊上。