报告题目:Simultaneous recovery of a scattering cavity and its internal sources
报告摘要: We consider the simultaneous reconstruction of a sound-soft cavity and its excitation sources from the total-field data. Using the single-layer potential representations on two measurement curves, this problem can be decoupled into an inverse cavity scattering problem and an inverse source problem. Then the uncoupled subproblems are respectively solved by the modified optimization and sampling method. Numerical examples will be presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the method.
报告人简介:吉林大学数学学院教授,博士生导师。1998年毕业于吉林大学数学学院信息与计算科学专业,获学士学位,2004年毕业于吉林大学数学研究所计算数学专业,获理学博士学位。目前研究领域为数学物理反问题,主要方向为波动方程反散射问题的数值分析与计算。已在“Inverse Problems”、“Advances in Computational Mathematics”和“Journal of Computational Physics”等期刊发表多篇SCI检索学术论文,其中一篇论文入选反问题领域国际著名期刊“Inverse Problems”的2017年度“亮点论文”(Editorial Highlights),另一篇入选该期刊2018年度“Top论文”(Editor-in-Chief’s top article selection)并荣获英国物理学会高被引论文奖。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目三项。