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法国国家科学研究中心Fabrice Deluzet高级研究工程师系列学术讲座通知
发布人:张艺芳  发布时间:2023-05-23   浏览次数:10


报告人Fabrice Deluzet高级研究工程师

报告题目Numerical methods for plasma physics




In this talk I will overview recent works dedicated to numerical methods for plasma models.The first part is focused on the so-called symptotic-Preserving methods aimed at addressing efficiently multi-scale models with singular limits. A particular attention will be paid fluid models for magnetically confined plasmas. The second part is devoted to the discretization of kinetic plasma description by means of Particle-In-Cell methods. I will present the last developments of the Sparse-PIC methods which consists in introducing sparse grid reconstructions into PIC methods to improve the control of the statistical noise inherent of such discretizations.


报告时间2023.05.26   下午19:00-21:00



报告人简介Fabrice Deluzet法国国家科学研究中心的高级研究工程师,从事等离子体物理的数值模拟研究二十余年,在相关领域发表学术论文50余篇,包括Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied SciencesSIAM Journal on Scientific ComputingSIAM Multiscale Modeling and SimulationJournal of Computational Physics等顶级期刊。